-=+ GoGuardian Web Filter Bypass +=- Setup: Create a bookmark, copy the code provided and paste it in as the URL (name it whatever you want). javascript:(function() { window.onbeforeunload=function() { return "lol";}})() Instructions for use: 1. Type in a url into the url bar, or have a link ready. 2. Press the search key (magnifying glass) and escape key (ESC) at the same time. 3. Scroll down until you see GoGuardian and/or its logo. 4. Select GoGuardian and GoGuardian license and click "end process" 5. VERY QUICKLY enter the url or click the prepared link, then spam the bookmark 6. When you see a popup saying "Do you want to leave this page?" quickly click "No". 7. Enjoy! If this doesn't work, message Eli#4511 from the discord.